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Website Support and Maintenance Introduction

Key details for successful website hosting and Maintenace.

Websites are constantly changing or needing updating. Our team works with you to keep your website updated, fresh, and relevant. Here are some key points to know to streamline the process of your website updates.

Update Request:

When you are ready to make a request for website changes, send your requests directly to: websupport@capitoltechsolutions.com including the below information. The Support & Maintenance email is actively monitored throughout the day.

  • Company Name
  • Requested Edits for the website & the URL of the page to be updated. 
  • Best Contact information + method of communication

Send your website update requests to websupport@capitoltechsolutions.com

Update Expectations: 

Your request will be acknowledged within 1 business day. Each request has a different level of effort, and we strive to complete all updates within 3 business days. However, some requests may need further clarification or require more effort, and your account manager will reach out to you to discuss those clarifications.

For our customers on the maintenance package, in addition to content updates, we review and update all plugins on a monthly basis. By upgrading to the latest version, we keep the site secure and relevant. It is possible that a new version of a plugin could break some functionality, and if it does, we will reach out to you.

If you have any questions or concerns, or want to speak directly with the web hosting and support team, you can contact us at (916) 443-5395.

We look forward to this journey with you.