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Website Development Overview

We’re about to embark on a journey to create a new website. While we will work through details of the project, we want to get you started on collecting the necessary info for your website. Review this guide to understand needs for your website


LOGO: It all starts with your logo. The highest resolution version you have, ideally an .ai or .eps file.

NEW CONTENT: Gather your images and give them descriptive filenames. No images? No problem, check outistockphoto.com.

COLOR SCHEME: Do you have particular colors you like? Provide the CYMK or RGB colors. If not, describe what you like.

ARE YOU INSPIRED BY OTHER WEBSITES? Get us a list of websites you like and we can learn from those.

Professional photos will make your website 10 times better!

Already have a branding guideline? Great, send it on over!

2. Website Structure

SITEMAP: What content pages will your website contain? We call this your sitemap. Most sites have some unique and some common pages. Think about what needs to be on your site.

Sitemap Example

  • Home
  • About Us
  • Services/Products
  • Success Stories
  • News
  • Contact Us

HOME PAGE: A modern website home page has 4-7 sections of content. Think about short content with descriptive images that can go on your home page.

Home Page Section Examples

  • Hero Shot(primary message and image)
  • Testimonials
  • Top Service/Product Details
  • Successful Clients
  • High Level About
  • Basic Location/Business Details
  • Contact Form

USER JOURNEY: Once people get to your website, what do you want them to do? Contact Us, Register Now, Call Us, Sign Up, Learn More, Buy Now are a few options.

3. Website Content

Now that you have your images and site structure, you need to create the content for your website. Here are some helpful ideas:

VALUE STATEMENT: First impressions go a long way. What is the first message and imagery a site visitor will see when they visit your website? Think about your elevator pitch and what your business does that will help you stand out and be memorable.

ABOUT US: Answer the critical questions of the who, why, what, where, and how of your organization. The prospective client should conclude from the About Us content that your organization is qualified to solve their needs or fill their requirements.

SERVICES/PRODUCTS: What services or products do you offer, and why are they better than your competition? Describe with common industry terms in detail what you do, get specific client testimonials, and elaborate on why you are better than competitors. 

NEWS/BLOGS: What has been happening in your business or industry? Come up with some ideas for recent stories and write them for use on your news or blog page.

TESTIMONIALS: Get real people to say in their words why you are so great. If you can get permission to use their name, title, and photo, it makes the testimonial even more powerful.

OTHER PAGES: There is no limit to the number of pages on a website, so if you have more content, let’s add it to the site!

4. Technical Details

Websites are a bit technical, so start gathering the items below, or reach out to our professional IT team for assistance.

Domain Name Email setup Social Media sites
Access to existing site Google My Business login 3rd party tool documentation

We look forward to going on this journey with you.

Questions always arise, so do not hesitate to reach out to your account manager at any time during this process. They will be working with you on more details, but if you can get started on the materials above, it will get your new website started in the right direction.