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  2. Website Support and Maintenance

Requesting Website Support

Hey there! Thank you so much for considering CTS for your website assistance. We are thrilled to offer our assistance in making your website even better!

Website updates and changes are a regular occurrence, and we want to work with you to keep your website fresh, updated, and exciting. To make the process of updating your website a breeze, here are a few key points to keep in mind.

Request + Response Time 

We're here to help you with your website edits, and we want to make the process as easy as possible. To get started, just submit your request to the designated project coordinator assigned to your account. If you are unsure who is your account manager, you can email your request to websupport@capitoltechsolutions.com 

A team member will get back to you within one business day to let you know we received your request. The project coordinator will work with our developers within 3 business days to address the request. Not all requests can be completed within that timeframe, if they are not, an estimated completion date will be provided. 

Please don't forget to include all the necessary details: 

  • URL of the page that needs edits 
  • Clear description of the edits that are needed 
  • Screenshots are always appreciated! 


Our Project Coordinator will request the development team to provide an hourly estimate to complete the requested edit. The project coordinator will provide the estimate to you via email. CTS will need confirmation and approval of the estimate to be able to have the developer begin the work.  


Once the client approves the estimate, the development process will begin. The development team tries to complete the edit request within 72 hours of receiving approval of the estimate. If the edit is more time intensive, this could increase the completion time.  

Thanks for choosing CTS to help you with your website! We appreciate your business and look forward to working with you to make your website shine.